Dynamic Question Answers

NB: This tool can only be used with RAG or Yes/No/Work Required questions

This tool has been designed to allow more control over what information is required from your responding organisations, dependent on which answer or rating option they select:

  • Green or Yes = the respondent is ask to provide supplementary evidence to support their answer
  • Amber or Work Required = respondents are asked to provide supplementary evidence, as well as an Action Plan detailing their plans for improving their score
  • Red or No = respondents are asked to provide an action plan for improving their score

In order to utilise this functionality, you will need to choose an option in the Site Settings area of the admin:

Once an option has been selected, click the Update Site Settings button to save the changes.

You will still need to make sure you have the appropriate answer capture options selected in order for the functionality to work, e.g. for RAG option:

Looking for further support on this or any other audit features? Email our helpdesk on support@phew.org.uk.