Evaluations Report

This report displays all the results of the evaluation form they completed post-event. This evaluation will be assigned to a delegate when an evaluation is required and a custom evaluation has not been created. To see more on evaluations click here. 

 The top row of the table will list the headers for the events title, date and location, the delegates name and then the questions from the post-event evaluation form. The first letter of each delegate name will be automatically capitalised regardless of how it has been originally entered when the delegate was set up. Underneath in the table you will see the answers given by the delegates to the questions, giving you one simple place to view all responses.

Above the table, you will see the Download CSV text button, which you can use to
download all the information into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
At the top of the page are filtering options. If you want to search for all the
responses from one event you can select the event from the drop-down menu,
Click the Filter button underneath it then selects the relevant occurrence.

If you want to search to see the responses of a specific delegate, you must log in
as them using the Login As function on the Delegates page.

Still, looking for further information? 

Email us at support@phew.org.uk and we will be able to give further clarification on any questions.