How to add, edit and delete admin users on Audits

To view, all admin users select admin users on the left hand menu.

Adding a new admin user

  • Select the Add User button above the table.
  • This will bring up a form containing a series of fields for you complete:
  • Name
  • E-mail address
  • Password

You set this up initially and once you have told them it, they can then go in
themselves and change it.

  • Confirm Password.
  • Select the level of access
  • Select the Active tick box. This is where you set whether the user is active or not.

You must remember to tick this box for all Active users.


There are two roles in the Audit system
Audit Manager - Restricted: only has access to Designated Audits, Designated Reports
System Administrator: Full Access

Edit a user

When you click the Edit button on the main Admin Users table you will be taken
to this same box but with the details of that person to edit. Remember to click the
Edit User button at the bottom to save any changes. 

Delete a user 

If you delete a user, they are completely removed from the system.

If you have a member of staff who has changed departments or has left the organisation so you no longer want them to be an active Admin User but you still want their details on the system to be able to look at their previous history, you would just un-tick them as Active rather than delete them.

Still, looking for further information? 

Email us at and we will be able to give further clarification on any questions.