How to check broken links

Your website will automatically look for broken links and record them for you to fix.

Log in to the site as an admin. From the admin menu, hover over Tools and select Broken Links

You will then be taken to a page that lists out all the broken URLs it has found on your site:

The table is broken down into:

  • URL - This is the URL that is broken.
  • Status - This is the code the tool was given to show the link was broken.
  • Link Text - This will help you identify where the broken link is on your page by showing you what text has this link.
  • Source - This is the page where the broken link was found.

If you hover a link you get the following options:

If you click Edit URL, you can then edit and update the URL. This will update the page for you:

The other options under each broken link are:

  • Unlink - This will remove the URL from the page.
  • Not broken - Click this is the tool has reported a link as being broken but you have verified it is working.
  • Dismiss - This will remove the link from the list.
  • Recheck - When you have fixed a broken link, click this and the tool will run again on that link. If it is fixed, it will be removed from the list.