How to copy an Audit

Copying an audit makes it easy for you to use the audit platform year on year. This tool allows you to duplicate a previous audit, meaning you do not have to create and input and brand new audit every single year. 

To copy an audit, navigate to the main admin dashboard:

The blue Copy button next to the chosen audit will duplicate the audit and add (COPY) to the title:

Mapping Question Responses

To make life easier for your responding organisations, you are also able to map over previous year's responses to the copied audits, so that respondents will just need to go in and update answers as opposed to starting with a blank audit.

Navigate to the audit you have duplicated from, and click the Edit button. Once editing, scroll down to the Response Copying Options section:

From the dropdown menu, choose the audit you would like to copy over the answers to. You will then be presented with a list of all questions, with dropdown menus next to them for you to choose which answers are mapped to which questions:

Once finished, make sure you save your chosen options before navigating away from the page

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