How to fix Accessibility Issues: Uneven spacing in text

Justified text is sometimes favoured by designers because it creates clean, even blocks of text. 

However, this layout can make text harder to read. It can be especially problematic for people with dyslexia, as the uneven spacing between letters and words creates distracting 'rivers' of blank space running vertically through the text. 


How do I fix this? 

On Siteimprove it will direct you where this issue is, like below.  


Make sure you are logged into your WordPress website and select the external link to the page this issue is occurring. 


Once logged in edit the page and go to your text editor. 

Text with uneven spacing may look like this: 

The red box text is aligned justified and the green box is text aligned left. To fix this issue select the text that is justified and select it to be left-aligned. 


Still, looking for further information?  

Check out our handy video on how to remove uneven spacing in text or email us at and we will be able to give further clarification on any questions.