How to resize a image

It is possible to do basic image editing in WordPress. This includes cropping, rotating, scaling image sizes, and flipping them vertically or horizontally.

In this article, we will show you how to use WordPress as a basic image editor.


The first thing you need to do is upload your image to WordPress.

Once you have uploaded an image, you need to visit Media > Library page. Locate the image and select the image to edit in WordPress media library.

Attachment Details

Crop – It allows you to crop images simply click the button and then select the image area you want to crop out of the original image.

Rotate – The two rotate buttons allow you to rotate an image clockwise and counter-clockwise.

Flip – The flip buttons allow you to flip an image horizontally or vertically.

Undo / Redo – If you don’t like a change you made, then simply undo your changes or redo them to revert.

Scale Image – You can use this option to manually scale image keeping the original proportions. It is important to know that you will need to use this option before cropping an image otherwise you may not be able to keep the image proportions.

Aspect ratio – If you want to keep a certain aspect ratio then this option allows you to set it. After that, you can click on the crop button to select an area while using the ratio you defined.

Average image ratios:

  • 1:1 Square Photo
  • 9:16 Portrait Photo
  • 16:9 Landscape Photo

Thumbnail settings – From here you can choose whether you want to apply these changes to all image sizes, just the thumbnail, or all image sizes except the thumbnail.


Once you have made your changes click on the Save, Scale, or Update button to save your changes.

WordPress will apply your changes to the image and create a new copy of the image.


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