Rating Overview

This report adds up all selected answer options to questions across all organisations which have a rating answer option.

The top of this report will show the Section Averages across the whole audit, allowing you to view a breakdown of the ratings given by your responding organisations. This section will also show you an All Questions Summary, which shows you how many of each rating were given across the entire audit:

Using the same + and - buttons as before you can expand/hide each question to show/reveal the detail. When expanded, each question will show the question title, summary description and then a breakdown of scores:

If using the Board Ratings - As soon as you finish assessing a Boards audit the report will be automatically updated, meaning the report figures will appear but will not total up to each other until all assessments have been completed.

For multi-partnership audits only:

You can use the Ratings Overview report to view a breakdown of the averages across Audit Groups:

Still, looking for further information? 

Email us at support@phew.org.uk and we will be able to give further clarification on any questions.