Using the Email Tracking Report

Track all emails sent to respondents via the Audit System.

The Email Tracking Report will enable you to track all emails sent via the Phew Audit System to enable you to check receipt.

Start off by filtering required To and From dates - you can also filter down by email address and event - and click submit:

MicrosoftTeams-image (13)You will then see a list of all emails matching the search criteria used. You will also see a list of the possible events and the description of each:

From this list, you are then able to see the status of those emails, when they were sent and what type of email was sent to the respondent. 

You are also able to find this information for specific respondents by clicking through the View All option in the Respondents area of the site:

MicrosoftTeams-image (17)

Once you are viewing the organisation's respondents, you can click the Email Tracking button to view the tracking details for the specific respondent:

MicrosoftTeams-image (16)

NB: Viewing the report using this method will default the From and To dates to the year the Audit System went live to today's date - you will need to filter down if you are search for specific timescales.

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