How to assign an organisation

Once you have uploaded all your questions and set your audit to active, you can assign certain organisations to answer the audit. You can add a due date for the responses to be completed or set different response dates for different organisations.

The Leader is then able to add, remove and assign respondents from their side

Assign Audit to Organisations

Click the green '+' button to begin assigning the audit your organisations.

You now have 3 options for assigning the audit:

  • Select Single Organisation - this drop-down menu shows all organisations on your platform, allowing you to pick one to assign the audit to (this can be used in tandem with the 'single organisation email invite'
  • Select All Organisations - fairly self-explanatory, this option allows you to bulk-select every organisation on your system
  • Select Organisations by Organisation Type - using the check-boxes, you can select single or multiple Org Types across all of your Org Groups to assign the audit to

Once you have chosen your organisations, you can add the audit completion date in the Due Date field, and then click Assign Organisations to complete the process.

Still looking for further information?

Email us at and we will be able to give further clarification on any questions.